Catalina González
I don´t want to melt
Textil and fabric.
2017 – 2018
Romantic love is a topic that is around me since I was a kid; in movies, soap operas and commercials, life as a couple was shown as an ideal moment to be reached, where all the problems are solved and the personal and individual fulfillment is achieved. In my school these topics were also very important. I studied in a female Catholic school, in which we were taught about of the existence of a unique and true love, with whom we would live the rest of our lives. We were also taught that we need to wait to this love until the coincidences of life would lead us to be together. Expectations made me feel as if I am in a transition to adulthood, which is linked to finding love. These ideas of romantic love influenced my personal life and my work. In this project I have special interest in the different characteristic of contemporary love combined with the characteristics of romantic love.
Zygmunt Bauman in his text entitled Liquid love: the fragility of Human Bonds, describes love in the consumer age explaining the current need for couple relationships to be fast and at the same time brief. According to Bauman, the commitment to a couple closes the doors to find a better partner, for this reason some people look for a light commitment that does not completely limit the possibilities of finding another couple. In Bauman’s text appear also that people seek love while they have love, they never stop looking. I find fascinating this idea of people eternally looking for love and I believe that technology invented quick and easy ways for these searches, one of these ways, and the one that is most interesting to me, is through the Tinder mobile application.
For me Tinder is a tool that talks about myself, those possible couples, are my chances to become other. Tinder is a place where the idea of love as easy and fragile that Bauman describes is mixed with the idea of romantic love and idealized love. That first photo that I see makes me decide if that person can be or not my love, the photo is that first sight. With Tinder you must fall in love at first sight and the matches are the illusion of something.
This project seeks to explore the duality of love. I have been using Tinder for a year and a half in different countries and cities of the world, most of the times I only put likes and get likes (matches) , however I do not chat or plan a meeting. I'm interested in the romantic idea of the first sight, of that correspondence with a stranger, I want to give importance to those people that probably I will never meet, but with which ones, I had virtually fall in love at first sight, I want to explore the fragile of these virtual relationships making them remain. For this reason, I started to draw the people with whom I had a match in Tinder, I have drawn them by handembroidered with thread on fabric. For me this is a practice that requires a lot of time. I want to compare the effortlessness of "knowing" someone virtually with the time that requires this technique. Embroidered is a practice that my two grandmothers and many women practiced in the intimacy of their homes, this practice link me to a past time and an specific context, where women inhabited only private and intimate places. Making this project I will like to deepen in the past conception of romantic love and time. I will like to continue with this project using new materials that can bring different ideas and also I will like to create interractions with the people in tinder and the portraits that I made of them.
I dont want to melt was part of a collective exhibition called TAUTOLOGY in May of 2018 in HFBK.